#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, random, imghdr # This is a little program I call via cron to change my desktop every # few minutes. With no arguments it goes to my directory of backdrop # images and picks a valid image at random. If I specify a path and a # file the program will put it up as the display. # I don't want to fill up my inbox with emails from cron telling me that # X isn't running, so I check first. xisrunning = os.popen("pidof /usr/bin/X11/X").read() def changebackdrop(): # The below command works for transparent Eterm or Urxvt terminals, # populating their backgrounds with the image they occlude. xli or # xsetroot can be called, but they don't work as desired for # transparent terminals. command = "/usr/bin/Esetroot" # If I was logging into X remotely, this would change. commandargs = " -display :0.0 " # This is where my backdrops live picdir = "/home/willyyam/misc/bmps/" if sys.argv[1:]: doit = command + commandargs + sys.argv[1] os.popen(doit, 'r') else: files = os.listdir(picdir) os.chdir(picdir) pics = [] for file in files: # This is a test for valid images - it includes rgb files, # which are not supported by my image software, but the # error thrown is not terrible - it knows what it can and # cannot run. if imghdr.what(file): pics.append(file) randpic = random.choice(pics) doit = command + commandargs + picdir + randpic os.popen(doit, 'r') if xisrunning: changebackdrop() else: exit # Copyright 2005 William Witteman
Randomized Backdrops 2.0
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This little program sets my background image # randomly in blackbox (and now openbox). # It's called when I startx. $isxrunning = `ps -C startx | grep "startx"`; if ($isxrunning =~ "startx") { changebackdrop(); } else { exit; } sub changebackdrop { if (!defined $ARGV[0]) { $backdrop_directory = "/home/willyyam/misc/bmps/"; # Set this to your backdrop files directory. opendir(BD, "$backdrop_directory") or die; # Normally we'd report errors, but since we will be # running this via script and discarding the STDOUT # that it generates, that would be a waste of time. @backdrops = readdir(BD); # Grab the contents of the backdrop directory. @spordkcab = reverse(@backdrops); pop(@spordkcab); pop(@spordkcab); # The first two entries readdir() finds are # . and .. We don't want to hand these # entries to bsetbg, so I reverse the array # and do away with them. There is a smooth, # tidy way to do this. I don't care :-) $randpic = $spordkcab[ rand @spordkcab]; $randpic = $backdrop_directory . $randpic; `/usr/bin/Esetroot -display :0.0 $randpic`; #`/usr/bin/X11/xli -display :0.0 -onroot $randpic > /dev/null &`; exit; } else { # If backdrop is called with an argument, use the argument # as the backdrop. `/usr/bin/Esetroot -display :0.0 $ARGV[0]`; #`/usr/bin/X11/xli -display :0.0 -onroot $ARGV[0] > /dev/null &`; exit; } } # William O'Higgins yam@nerd.cx
Randomized Backdrops
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # This little program sets my background image # randomly in blackbox (and now openbox). # It's called when I startx. $backdrop_directory = "/home/willyyam/crap/backdrop/"; # Set this to your backdrop files directory. opendir(BD, "$backdrop_directory") or die; # Normally we'd report errors, but since we will be # running this via script and discarding the STDOUT # that it generates, that would be a waste of time. @backdrops = readdir(BD); # Grab the contents of the backdrop directory. @spordkcab = reverse(@backdrops); pop(@spordkcab); pop(@spordkcab); # The first two entries readdir() finds are # . and .. We don't want to hand these # entries to bsetbg, so I reverse the array # and do away with them. There is a smooth, # tidy way to do this. I don't care :-) $pic_o_the_moment = $spordkcab[ rand @spordkcab]; $pic_o_the_moment = $backdrop_directory . $pic_o_the_moment; `/home/willyyam/bin/bsetbg $pic_o_the_moment &`; # This the program call to bbsetbg, written by # tmk@lordzork.com, is what does all the work -- # I just call it. exit; # William O'Higgins yam@nerd.cx