
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# This little program takes a directory as its argument and
# builds an html frame page with all of the image names in one
# frame and a target frame for image viewing.  It leaves the
# three html pages in the argument directory.

print "Enter the directory with the images -- n
make sure it is an absolute path (include a trailing slash):n";
$target_dir = <STDIN>;
chomp $target_dir;

@jpgs = glob("$target_dir*.jpg");
@gifs = glob("$target_dir*.gif");
@both = (@jpgs,@gifs);
@pics = sort(@both);

foreach $pic_name (@pics) {
    $pic_name =~ s/^$target_dir//;

open(MAIN, ">$target_dir"."index.html") or die "Can\'t create index.html: $!n";
open(LEFT, ">$target_dir"."left.html") or die "Can\'t create left.html: $!n";
open(RIGHT, ">$target_dir"."rght.html") or die "Can\'t create rght.html: $!n";

$index_html = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN""DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">n<head>n<title>Image Index</title>n</head>n<frameset cols="20%,80%" frameborder="1" border="1">n<frame src="left.html" name="left">n<frame src="rght.html" name="right">n</frameset>n</html>n";

$right_html = "<!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//dtD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">n<head>n<title>Right</title>n</head>n<body></body>n</html>n";

$left_top = "<!DOCTYPE html public "-//W3C//dtD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN""DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">n<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">n<head>n<title>Left</title>n</head>n<body>n<dl>nn";

foreach $pic_name (@pics) {
    $pic_name = "<dt><a href = "$pic_name" target = "right">" . $pic_name . "</a></dt>n";

$list = "@pics";

$left_bottom = "nn</dl>n</head>n<body>n";

$left_html = $left_top . $list . $left_bottom;

print MAIN $index_html;
print RIGHT $right_html;
print LEFT $left_html;

close(MAIN) or die "Can\'t close index.html: $!n";
close(LEFT) or die "Can\'t close left.html: $!n";
close(RIGHT) or die "Can\'t close rght.html: $!n";

Search and Replace with Perl

# Sometimes you need to change something in a bunch of files at once.
# These are some command-line ways of doing that.

# For universal replacement (in all files down from the current directory):
find ./ -type f -exec perl -pi -e \'s/stringtofind/stringtoreplacewith/g\' {} ;

# To do all ".php"s, for example:
find ./ -type f -name *.php -exec perl -pi -e \'s/stringtofind/stringtoreplacewith/g\' {} ;

# To find/replace in just the present directory:
perl -pi -e \'s/stringtofind/stringtoreplacewith/g\

ftp with perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Yet another time when dependence on libraries bit me, I had to see if
# I could manage an ftp script using the core perl libraries, so I wasn\'t
# dependent on Net::FTP being present in the same form on the system.
# This is just my proof of concept, developed with telnet and the perl
# cookbook.

use IO::Socket;

$remote_host = "remotehost";
$remote_port = 21;
$user = "username";
$pass = "password";

$socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $remote_host,
                                PeerPort => $remote_port,
                                Proto    => "tcp",
                                Type     => SOCK_STREAM)
    or die "Couldn\'t connect to $remote_host:$remote_port : $@n";


$answer = < $socket>;
print "$answer";

print $socket "user $usern";
$answer = < $socket>;
print "$answer";

print $socket "pass $passn";
$answer = < $socket>;
print "$answer";


print $socket "pwdn";
$answer = < $socket>;
print "$answer";


print $socket "quitn";
$answer = < $socket>;
print "$answer";

# and terminate the connection when we\'re done