A while back I was using CVS to synchronize and version my school work, and I was looking for a method of writing papers so the working files were text instead of binary allowing diffs to be generated via CVS. That lead me to LaTeX, and it worked out all right. I found that I was quite happily able to generate my text in vim, version it with CVS and generate a final PDF, the only binary format in the whole process.

Now, well after I really could have used it, this article pops up. It is a useful primer, but it doesn’t really touch on the one things that will probably bite a lot of users in the ass – there are zillions of versions of LaTeX and its packages, and so you’ll have to experiment to find out what works on your system. Still, it’s a good document preparation system, and I’m glad to know something about how it works.


! default settings for some X-Windows programs
! rxvt-unicode
urxvt.geometry: 80x56
urxvt.background: black
urxvt.foreground: white
urxvt.saveLines: 1000
urxvt.scrollBar: false
urxvt.inheritPixmap: true
urxvt.fading: 50
urxvt.tintColor: green3
urxvt.shading: 40
urxvt.visualBell: true
urxvt.font: fixed


if [ "$PS1" ]; then
# enable color support of ls and also add handy aliases
eval `dircolors -b`
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -hl'
alias la='ls -Ah'
alias x='startx'
alias clear='clear;fortune -ae'
alias nstll='sudo apt-get install '
alias vi='vim'
alias halt='sudo halt -p'
alias vii='sudo vim '
alias key="mount /dev/sda;ls /mnt/key"
alias unkey="umount /mnt/key"
alias dos2unix="flip -uv "
alias unix2dos="flip -mv "
alias spmlearn='sa-learn --mbox --spam /home/willyyam/Mail/spam;
rm /home/willyyam/Mail/spam;
touch /home/willyyam/Mail/spam'

# set a fancy prompt